What's New This Week NEW-16 ELECTRONICS SHOW REPORTS ONLINE (Jan. 14) The Consumer Electronics Forum is featuring reports from the 1988 Winter Consumer Electronics Show. News of future products, developments and reports by Dawn Gordon, Consumer Electronics writer, on the latest audio, video, telephone, satellite systems an electronic products are available in Data Library 10. To access the Consumer Electronics Forum, type GO CEFORUM at any CompuServe Information Service prompt. Last page ! What's New This Week NEW-1 1 Five PC Vendors Join Forum 2 Valentine's Day in The Mall 3 Change Billing Address Online 4 OLT Renamed to Daily Edition 5 Follow Market Volatility 6 Reports from Electronics Show 7 Online Today Daily Edition 8 CompuServe Community News 9 Forum Conference Schedules 10 Uploads: New Forum Files 11 OLT Columns/Special Reports Enter choice !7 One moment please... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : Online Today : : Daily Edition : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Friday, January 15, 1988 ----------------------#04804-- *Today's Morning News/GO 90 *Yesterday's News Highlights: Apple's New Laser Printers/269 Prime Ups Bid For C-vision/280 BBS Directory Planned/294 Today's News: 90/ Week's: 20 Rumor: 130 / CompuServe: GO 50 Press for more ! Online Today ONLINE ONLINE TODAY DAILY EDITION 1 Guide to OLT Daily Edition 2 Monitor Daily News 3 CompuServe This Week 4 Columns/Special Reports 5 Hardware/Software Reviews 6 Advertisers/Online Inquiry Enter choice !8 8 is an invalid choice !3 Online Today OLT-50 COMPUSERVE THIS WEEK 1 About This Section 2 What's New on CompuServe 3 CompuServe Community News 4 Forum Conference Schedules 5 What's New - Previous Weeks 6 Uploads/Forum Program Updates 7 CompuServe Sysop Profiles 8 Send a Letter To the Editor Enter choice !2 Enter choice !go easyplex One moment please... EasyPlex Main Menu 1 READ mail, 1 message pending 2 COMPOSE a new message 3 UPLOAD a message 4 USE a file from PER area 5 ADDRESS Book 6 SET options 9 Send a CONGRESSgram ($) Enter choice !1 Last page. Enter command or to continue! h Action Choose the action to be taken on the message you have just read. Action options are: DELETE, FILE, FORWARD, REREAD, REPLY, SAVE or DOWNLOAD. You may select one of these options from the numbered menu, or you may issue any of these commands at any point while reading a message. More information is available for: ADDRESS DELETE END FILE FORWARD NEXT REPLY REREAD SAVE Enter HELP selection or to continue: reply Action REPLY Allows you to reply to a message you have just read. If you are using the line numbered editor, you are prompted for your reply, ending your reply with a /EXIT at the beginning of a line. You are then prompted to choose a send option; once you choose it and enter a , your message is automatically sent to the originator. If you are using the non-line numbered editor, your message will be automatically sent to the originator right after you enter the /EXIT at the beginning of a line. When using either editor, you will not be prompted for "Send to", "Subject" or "Your name" because EasyPlex remembers that information from the original message. If you want the reply to be sent to persons other than the originator of the message, you can enter the SEND command and specify each recipient's User ID or name, separated by a semi-colon (;). This command must be entered at the Send Menu. Enter HELP selection or to continue: EasyPlex Action Menu ** Tom Sponheim/Hello ** 1 DELETE this message 2 FILE in PER area 3 FORWARD 4 REREAD message 5 REPLY 6 SAVE in mailbox 7 DOWNLOAD message Enter choice or to continue !reply EasyPlex Compose Enter reply. (/EXIT when done) 1: Thank you for the response. I have an Apple// here with A 2:Appleworks. I am proficient with all three of its major 3: functions. i.e. Word processing, Data base management, 4: and my favorite Spreadsheet Analysis. I am also 5: fairly creative when it comes to writing. 6: /ex EasyPlex Send Menu For current reply 1 SEND 2 EDIT 3 TYPE 4 FILE DRAFT copy 5 SEND with /RECEIPT ($) Enter choice !2 EasyPlex Edit Menu 1 CHANGE characters in line 2 REPLACE line 3 DELETE line 4 INSERT new line(s) 5 TYPE all lines 0 SEND message Enter choice !list Which line(s) #: 2 2: Appleworks. I am proficient with all three of its major Press ! EasyPlex Edit Menu 1 CHANGE characters in line 2 REPLACE line 3 DELETE line 4 INSERT new line(s) 5 TYPE all lines 0 SEND message Enter choice !5 Press ! EasyPlex Edit Menu 1 CHANGE characters in line 2 REPLACE line 3 DELETE line 4 INSERT new line(s) 5 TYPE all lines 0 SEND message Enter choice !0 EasyPlex Your name: John Edwards Would you like to save this name as your EasyPlex name so you do not have to type it in the future? (Yes or No): yes You may change your EasyPlex name on the Address Book menu. Message sent to 73557,3105 Press ! EasyPlex Action Menu ** Tom Sponheim/Hello ** 1 DELETE this message 2 FILE in PER area 3 FORWARD 4 REREAD message 5 REPLY 6 SAVE in mailbox 7 DOWNLOAD message Enter choice or to continue !off You have not disposed of 1 retrieved message(s). Delete these messages? (Y or N)! y 1 message(s) deleted